Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day of High School

MichaelAnn's first day of 9th grade.  I can't believe she is a freshman in high school!  Where has the time gone?  She is so excited to go back to school, she loves school.  Most everything is new this year (new school, new teacher, new schedule) but thank goodness, Deb, her aide, is still with her.  She has been with MichaelAnn since she was 4.  Such a great asset and MichaelAnn loves her!


Anonymous said...

It is hard to believe MichaelAnn is in High School. Time does go by quickly. Hope she is adjuesting well. Post sizes and interests, by holidays will be here in a few months. Also, I hope your back is progressing and that you are without so much pain!
Enjoyed all the picures on the blog.
Aunt Charlotte

Merylann Mcleroy said...

Hello MichaelAnn My name is Merylann and I am looking forward to meeting you on Monday. I hope you have a great weekend and will be seeing at 2.30 Monday afernoon. PSi am from Bayada

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