Monday, August 1, 2016

PA State Homecoming Queen in Lancaster

On April 9, 2016 My bestfriend Sierra, Mama and I headed to Lancaster to get ready for Sunday's competition.  I had so much fun.  I made some new friends.  Part of the competition was an interview with the judges.  I was able to program some answers to the questions before and I used my iPad to answer the questions.  We were thrown a bit of a curveball though during the competition when we were asked a question in front of the audience. We did not have advance knowledge of this question so we couldn't program my answer in the iPad.  Luckily my bestie knows me so well she was able to answer it for me and be my voice.  The question that was asked was something like "what is the biggest issues teenages face to today and how could you could change it".  Sierra knew my heart and talked about people with disablilites and accepting us for who we are, getting to know us and including us.  Sierra had to stop a few times because she started crying.  She knows how hard it is for me and she is very passionate about my cause.  Mama said she heard many people sniffing and crying in the audience listening to Sierra speak.  I am so glad I have a friend who loves me & knows me so well.  Even though I did not win I had a great time and a time I will never forget.

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